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Saturday, June 9, 2012


Use the frog principle; get those major tasks out of the way


Imagine earning more money and garnering greater respect from your superior. Imagine getting things done faster and having more hours in a day to relax and do those things you never seem to fined time for.

By managing your time more effecdtively, you can increase your productivity dramatically- have all of the above , and mnore.

Sounds like is too good to be true? Well it isn't. Not if you follow the principle outlined by Brain Tracy in 'Eat that frog! Get more of the important things done - today!


The overriding of Tracy's book is simple;stop procastinating by tackling your most important tasks -the "Frog" - first thing in the morning.This will energise you to such and extent that you will find it easier to move rapidly and effectively through the rest of your work.

"There's an old saying that if the first thing you do in the morning is to eat a live frog, you will have satisfaction- of knowing that it's probably the worst thing you will do all day'.Tracy wrote.

He takes this saying further by comparing it to the task s you do during a day at the office. If you do the most challenging task - the one your are most likely to put off - first , it will have the greatest posative effect on your life, he said.

"Successful effective people are those who launch directory into their major tasks and then discipline themselves to work steadily and singflee-mindedly until those tasks are completed".


The most important tasks are those that will have the greatest consequences- either positive or negative - on your life and work.Tracy made a point that most of us have too much on our plate and simply don't have time to do everything we suppose to do. For this reason, it is not only crucial to ensure that the most important things get done, but that we do them well by doping them first- when we still have the ewnergy.

"You can get control of your tasks and activities only to the degree that you stop doing somethings and start spending more time on the few activities that you can really make a difference in your life".he wrote.

According to Tracy, the "eat -that-frog" principle is something one gets better at, the more you practice and implementit in it your everyday life, through repetition and practice, to overcome procastination and get your most important tasks completed quickly, you will move yourself onto the fast track in your life and career."


To make it more practicalk, this principle is embbeded in a set of "rules"- things you need to do and skills you need to aquire to make the frog principle work for you.

One of the most important rules is to write your goals and objectives down before you begin. Tracy said,be clear in what you would like to achieve in short, medium and long term. Know your self and know exactly where you are heading. Begin with the end in your mind.

Another important rule, accordding to Tracy, is to plan ahead. Take a few minutes at the end of the day to plan your next work day.. Make a list of tasks that need to be done, and prioritise them. Then make sure that you start with your top priority when you get to work the next day.

It's also important to know where your talents lie. what your weakness are and at what time of the day you are likely to be most productive. Tasks should be handled accordingly.

IUf a task seems overwhelming, simply "cut it up" into smaller cuncks and take it one step at a atime . Begin with a smaller part of the task to kick off the project and take things from there.Before you know it , the task will be completed.

Tracy said, Make a decision to practice these principles until they become second nature to you. With these habiuts of personal management as a permanent part of your pesonality, your future will be unlimited".