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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


For the first time in history, there are four different generations working side-by-side on the job. Each one has its own attitudes, perceptions and values, which can make it challenging for people from different generations to co-exist in the workplace.
When you're the youngest worker on the team, for example, older workers might not take you seriously. You could be viewed as a child who doesn't know as much, and who doesn't have enough experience or business acumen to succeed. If you're the oldest worker on the team, however, people might view you as old-fashioned and not "up with times," or they might take your input as you trying to push ideas on them.
"It's hard on the ego for baby boomers to have a younger boss," says Christine Hassler, a life coach, professional speaker and author. "Their parents taught them that seniority comes with age ... having to answer to a younger boss goes against the model they subscribed to. Not only are boomers often embarrassed and angry that they are answering to someone their child's age, they do not know how to relate to or connect with their boss and/or co-workers, which only makes them feel more separate."
Here, several workers of all ages, experiences and points of view filled in the blank on what happens when your boss is younger than you:
If you're a baby boomer working in a young environment, here are tips that will help you work effectively with a younger boss:
1. Understand the other person's point of view
If your boss is from another generation, you may have differing opinions on many things, says Barbara Safani, owner of Career Solvers, a career management firm. Observe his behavior to better understand what influences his management style and how you can complement it.
2. Keep an open mind
Don't assume that because they are younger, they don't know what they are doing. We all have different skill sets. No one is good at everything, says Sandi Grimm, marketing director for YouthFriends, a nonprofit organization.
3. Learn new things and take a different perspective
You'll want to do some hanging out with the kids to enjoy what they enjoy. Otherwise, they'll just see you as a fuddy-duddy and you'll be irritated by the boss and his newfangled ideas, says Stephanie Elsy, an accountant for Pop Labs, a digital media agency.
4. Listen!
Call it the hubris of youth or just the natural outcome of the self-esteem curriculum, but younger workers are deeply committed to collaboration and want to be included on decisions and strategies, says Rolfe Carawan, founder and CEO of Carawan Global Communications and Consulting. If you want to bridge the gaps, show them you're willing to invest, improve and understand.
5. Be the employee your boss does not have to manage
Bosses spend a lot of time managing younger employees who are just beginning to learn prioritization and time management, Be the employee whom your boss does not have to manage, by taking initiative. If you are an employee whom your boss does not have to think about, he will begin to notice and appreciate your experience and wisdom.
In South Africa, there are older generations from the apartheid “era” and they are currently mixing with the pre-1976 fighters. What will be expected out of this scenario???
Let’s engage this topic with positive minds!!!

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